Major in Political Science

Become a leader • Complete your own research • Make an impact

Learn how to tackle big questions.

In the political science major, you'll learn the workings of political systems and become familiar with patterns of political behavior. At JBU, you will integrate faith with political science and participate in thoughtful and challenging discussions in your classes.

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Develop your mindset

Students majoring in political science learn to think critically, write effectively and see the big picture. They come to identify why they believe what they believe.

Solve big problems

The political science major isn't just about preparing to work in politics and government. It's about gaining a deeper understanding of complex and important questions like how we should govern ourselves.

Pursue your calling

Students have gone on to hold positions in organizations like the American Enterprise Institute, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and the United States Senate, and have studied at graduate schools like Harvard Law School, Georgetown University Law Center, and the Bush School of Government and Public Service.

Discuss difficult, relevant concepts at JBU.

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JBU’s political science program has helped me figure out what my calling is. With Dr. Bennett's help, classes and research, I've learned a lot about who we're called to be as Christians and who we are to be citizens. I've learned that I absolutely love social policy and care deeply about advocacy work. Not only do I understand how policy works, but I’ve also learned how to interact with people amid policy changes. I think everyone should spend time in this department!

Emma Beagle, ’24

Political Science


Tailor your degree

The political science department goes above and beyond at launching students into the careers they want to land and provides students with the necessary opportunities and resources to leave JBU feeling empowered. 


While the political science major doesn't require an internship, it is strongly encouraged. JBU faculty help students secure the internships they want, knowing many internships later turn into post-graduation jobs.


Due to the nature of the work and time students commit to the political science major, there is plenty of space for students to double-major to add a degree of specialization to their education. For example, previous students have found adding psychology, economics or intercultural studies majors to their coursework to be beneficial.

Pre-law minor

JBU understands that many political science students want to get into law school. The pre-law minor not only provides students with the necessary skills for performing well on the LSAT, but also supports students so they feel competent and equipped when they get to law school. 

What to expect as a political science student at JBU


Engage in intelligent discourse

JBU has organized the political science major to get the most from our students. Classes are small and promote thoughtful discussion. Assignments give students the creativity to explore problems and issues important to them. 


Participate in Model UN

Each February, JBU sends student delegates to the Midwest Model United Nations (MMUN) meeting in St. Louis, Missouri. These students represent their assigned nation amidst hundreds of other student delegates from dozens of regional colleges and universities. 


Graduate prepared

Because of the broad training political science majors receive, you can find them in virtually any profession, including (but certainly not limited to): Federal, state and local government, international nongovernmental organizations, lobbying, policymaking and many more.

My political science degree quickly opened numerous doors for me after graduation, but the additional opportunities extended to me while still in college invigorated and inspired me to succeed. I would highly recommend the JBU political science track to any student curious about our world, state, and neighbors.

Seth Billingsley '21

JD candidate at Harvard Law School


The political science major at JBU opened more doors for me than anything else... I was able to get a job before graduation with an organization that aligns completely with my values and ambitions. The major allowed me to study abroad twice, graduate early, travel to conferences, win awards at competitions, and secure three amazing internships.

Brooke Kramer '20

Legislative Correspondent for Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)


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