JBU + New Life Ranch Partnership

Tuition Scholarship & Assistance for DaySpring Employees

New Life Ranch is committed to providing quality training for their employees by giving them the resources and support they need to do excellent work and to achieve their full potential. Tom Graney, New Life Ranch executive director, said New Life Ranch and John Brown University have been synonymous with one another for many years, so it's only natural for both of them to finally have more of an official connection. That's why New Life Ranch has partnered with John Brown University to provide their employees with the opportunity to develop themselves through higher education.

Partnership eligibility and benefits

Eligible recipients can receive the discounts or scholarships offered below, as well as any other eligible AR scholarships and grants (in accordance with New Life Ranch benefit policies and AR scholarship and grant requirements). 

Effective Fall 2020, all eligible New Life Ranch employees and their immediate household family members, and other part-time and contract labor, as specified by New Life Ranch, will be eligible to receive a tuition scholarship.

This scholarship will apply to any degree program offered at JBU, including students in traditional on-campus undergraduate, online undergraduate, and graduate programs. 

Note: Scholarships for the Graduate and Online Undergraduate courses cannot exceed more than 10% of total tuition. No benefit, repayment, reprobation, or refund will be made for or to any employee relating to classes that commenced prior to the first full session beginning after the effective date. The benefit is not retroactive to previous terms of enrollment prior to verification of the employee's eligibility. The benefit is not retroactive to previous or current students in the traditional, on-campus undergraduate program.

Next steps

  1. Apply to John Brown University. The recipient will need to complete an application for JBU before he or she is eligible for these benefits.
  2. Submit your completed FAFSA. If the applicant meets JBU admissions requirements, the scholarship will be confirmed as a part of their financial aid package. 
  3. Complete an employer verification form. To verify eligibility, the New Life Ranch employee will need to submit a completed Employment Verification Form, which will be sent to you upon submission of your application.


Feel free to contact us. We'd be happy to answer your questions!

Financial Aid Office
877-528-4636 | finaid@jbu.edu

On-Campus Undergraduate Admissions
479-524-7454 | admissions@jbu.edu 

Online Undergraduate Admissions
800-528-4723 | jbuonline@jbu.edu 

Graduate Admissions
800-528-4723 | grad@jbu.edu 

Applying for admission is the first step to getting financial aid
