

"The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it." - Ps. 24:1

In an effort to become more environmentally healthy and economically conservative, John Brown University is committed to being a sustainable institution, by reducing the volume of usable energy and used material.

JBU also believes that reducing JBU’s carbon footprint and using resources well are just a few ways that JBU can be stewards of God’s Kingdom. Because of that deeply held belief, JBU and generous donors have contributed over $10 million to sustainability projects on campus over the last 15 years.

Quick Facts

  • In 2023, JBU was named to The Princeton Review's 2024 Guide to Green Schools.
  • Since 2016, JBU realizes over $750,000 in savings each year due to sustainability initiatives, contributing to our efforts to keep tuition costs down.
  • Since 2000, the university has increased by a total of 327,007 square feet but has decreased its electric/gas usage by $0.23/per square foot
  • In 2015, JBU achieved Tree Campus USA recognition by the Arbor Day Foundation for its commitment to effective urban forest management.

For more information on JBU's sustainability efforts, contact Steve Brankle, director of facilities services and sustainability at

In 2012 JBU has become the first and only zero-landfill campus in Arkansas.

45% of JBU's waste is recycled, and the rest is compacted and incinerated.
